




  1. Sectoral


·          API American Petroleum Institute

·          APRC Arab Petroleum Research Center

·          EEC Europe European Commission, DG Energy and Transport

·          IEA International Energy Agency

·          IFP Institute François of Petroleum

·          OIL NEWS News and Directory for the oil and gas industry

·          NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory

·          SIEAL Legal Information System on Energy and Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean

·          SIEE Energy Economic Information System

·          USDE United States Department of Energy

·          USGS United States Geological Survey

·          WEC World Energy Council


  1. General, finance and cooperation


·          ADB Asian Development Bank

·          ITA International Trade Administration (US Dep. Of Commerce)

·          ITC International Trade Centre

·          OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

·          UN ESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

·          UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization

·          USLC Library of Congress of the United States of America

·          WRI World Resources Institute

·          WTO World Trade Organization, Resources


  1. Statistics


·           ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics (Australia)

·           BPS Statistics Indonesia (Indonesia)

·            CANSIM Statistics Canada (Canada)

·           CAS Central Administration for Statistics (Lebanon)

·           CBS Central Bureau of Statistics (Israel)

·           Census India Registrar General & Census Commissioner (India)

·           CEPAL UN, Commission Economic for America Latina y el Caribbean

·           CSS Central Statistical Service (South Africa)

·           DESTATIS Federal Statistical Office (Germany)

·           DOS Department of Statistics (Jordanian)

·           Eurostat European Statistics

·            FSO Federal Statistical Office (Yugoslavia)

·           GUS Polish Official Statistics (Poland)

·           IBGE Institute Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (Brazil)

·           INDEC Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Census (Argentina)

·           INE Instituto Nacional de Estatística (Portugal)

·           INE Instituto Nacional de Estadística (Spain)

·           INE Instituto Nacional de Estadística (Uruguay)

·           INE Instituto Nacional de Estadística (Venezuela)

·           INEGI Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Geografia e Informatica (México)

·           INEI Instituto Nacional de Estadistica e Informatica (Peru)

·           INSEE Institut National de Statistiques et d' Études Economiques (France)

·           ISTAT Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (Italia)

·           ITA International Trade Administration (US Department of Commerce)

·           KOSIS Korea National Statistical Office (Korea)

·           KNSO Korea National Statistical Office (Korea)

·           NGDC National Geophysical Data Center

·           NOAA National Geophysical Data Center

·           NS Office for National Statistics (United Kingdom)

·           NSO Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (Slovenia)

·           NSO National Statistical Office (Thailand)

·           NSO  National Statistical Office (Filipinas)

·           OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Statistics

·           ONS Office National des Statistiques (Algeria)

·           PCBS Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (Palestine)

·           SBSC  Statistical Bureau & Statistics Center (Japan)

·           SCB  Statistics Sweden (Sweden)

·           SIS  State Institute of Statistics (Turkic)

·           SN  Statistics Norway (Noriega)

·           SOSR Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic (Slovakia)

·           SS Statistics Singapore (Singapore)

·           SS Swiss Federal Statistical Office (Switzerland)

·           STATEC  Luxembourg National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Luxemburg)

·           UIS Unesco, Institute for Statistics

·           UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Statistical Division

·           UNESCO UNESCO, Institute for Statistics

·           UNSD United Nations Statistic Division

·           WBD World Bank Data

·           WBG The World Bank

·           WRI World Resources Institute